Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wordsworth once spoke of "emotion recollected in tranquility"

Under clouds wreathed in sun,
We walked until we reached a run,
Feeling hearts lift joyfully
In noontime.

The big slides called to Katie June
Above us sighed the shadow moon
As chill and sunlight
Met in happy glory.

We took new paths along the way,
An adventure on a Saturday.
We walked for hours,
Breathing in the winter.

And once our footprints had been laid,
A stop for frozen yogurt we made,
A treat before some
Books and then her naptime.

Quietly the nighttime stole,
And we kneaded our naan in the yellow bowl
To eat with fragrant, yummy
Chana masala.

An now we end where we began:
The heart must have a master plan
To find delight in every
Simple beauty.